Friday, April 12, 2013

Jamison's Birth Story

Now that I have a place to keep my thoughts, it's time to formally put up the babes' birth stories!  Not that i'll ever forget every second of those precious life changing days, but they might like to know the play by play of their big debut!

September 10, 2008
                     We're officially 3 days overdue.  I headed to the midwife, secretly hoping to be sent to the hospital for an induction! I was done...D.O.N.E. done.  Such was not the case.  In fact, everything looked great, baby is just not ready to come out yet!  We'll go ahead an schedule you for next Monday. K great, Thanks!  I did have some serious contractions on the way home after she did her thing, so I called in to the Barn and that began my Maternity leave.  

September 12, 2008

                I woke up at 5 am to contractions...they kept coming, and hurt....bad.  I wanted to make sure this was the real deal!  I took a warm shower, they didn't go away!!  We didn't take any childbirth classes, and really had no Idea what to expect, or how to cope with the pain, you know, other than watching 'A Baby Story on TLC'! ;) After two and a half hours of Jimmy timing and recording my contractions, and me pacing the floor in agony, punching the wall, yelling, etc.,  I called the Midwife on duty, and was so relieved that it was my favorite one, Christy!  She agreed, we should go in!    I'll never forget the way Jimmy acted!  I think he was walking on egg shells, scared to death I was going to bite his head off!
                        They admitted us, and I met my nurse, Shannon, she rocked my socks.  Seriously, AMAZING! I think with out her my experience wouldn't have been so great!  About an hour later I got my epidural.  OH SWEET RELIEF!  The rest of the labor was smooth sailing, that is until it was time to push!!  In the room with me, I had a whole cheering squad!  Jimmy on one side, Mary on the other.  My mom, my sister, and my Mamaw as well as the nurse and the midwife!  It was tough,  I pushed for an hour.  I thought I was gonna die!!  I couldn't feel a thing(maybe that amazing epidural/spinal cocktail the anesthesiologist injected into me hours earlier wasn't such a great idea!  Well, it was a great idea, but it made things more difficult that's for sure!).  Finally, she said reach down, I pulled my sweet boy out and up onto my chest! Oh my goodness, I was a Mommy!!  When the midwife lifted him up to suction him and wipe him down, he peed on her!!  Literally minutes old and he's already being a little stinker!!  A foreshadowing of what was to come!!!                   


Jamison Wyatt Rogers
9lbs 10.6 oz
22 inches
5:45 p.m.
Friday, September 12, 2008

   Jamison Wyatt, you changed my life.  You gave meaning to everything.  Because of you, I felt unconditional love for the first time, a love so amazing I can't even describe it.  You've brought me so much joy, given me so many reasons to smile.  I thank God every night for blessing me with you.  I can't wait to watch you continue to grow.  Mommy loves you more than you'll ever know my sweet boy! 

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