Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter 2013

The bunny came!  He left some pretty sweet baskets for the kiddies!  Jamison got mostly candy, a kite which were super excited to use, avengers, and a fly wheel.  Scarlett's basket had food, and some snacks that she was eager to try!! Some bubbles and new clothes!!
Apparently the Easter Bunny likes target just as much as I do!  I wont be able to get away with that much longer! 

The weather wasn't that great, in fact it was extremely cold!!  We visited the Johnson Family at Mamie's  and the Estes family at Gamma and Papaw's!  The day didn't feel rushed and it was great to spend time with people we don't get to see much.  Jamison really got into the egg hunts this year!  He found lots of money! Of course he wanted to "cash everything in for dimes!" (We have a "dimes for Disney  jar we put all the dimes we find in to save up for our upcoming Disney trip!) Jamison looked so handsome in his bow tie! (That is of course, once I convinced him that he could in fact breathe with it on!!!)  Scarlett was pretty in purple!!

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The only picture I have of her by herself on Easter! Bad Mommy!!

I knew we didn't have a family picture of the four of us, so I made it my misison to get one today!  After about 26 tries (not even kidding) we got one!  Of course by this time Jamison had already taken off his dress clothes!

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