Friday, May 3, 2013

Scarlett's Birth Story!

   This entire pregnancy was different than Jamison's.  I found out of I was pregnant the day after Christmas and with in the next two weeks I was in the ER for bleeding.  Of course I thought the worst, but was obviously hoping for the best.  It was amazing to have an ultrasound Saturday night and see nothing more than a circle, and go back 5 days later and see a heartbeat! The miracle of life truly is amazing.  I was sick. A lot.  I remember saying all the time, that since this pregnancy was so rough, my labor/delivery would be a breeze!

August 29, 2012
                          I went in for my 39 week prenatal appointment!  Hoping for the midwife to get something going!!  I was positive for Group B strep this time, she wouldn't.  She did, however, Schedule me for an ultrasound September 11.  You kidding me?  I cried.  Real big alligator tears.  I COULD NOT...WOULD NOT be pregnant for two and a half more weeks.  She promised me I wouldn't and even bet that i'd have the baby before the weekend was over!  She joked around about barometric pressure because of the hurricane coming.  I shrugged it off as nothing and left.   

August 31, 2012
                       I was at The Barn working and having some serious contractions.  They were hurting, but not the real deal! Since this wasn't my first rodeo, I didn't get my hopes up!  Jamison spent the night with my mom tonight.  Jimmy and I were playing Rock Band on the x-box, the contractions were growing closer, I could feel my stomach tightening but still...didn't hurt enough.  

September 1, 2012
                         I woke up to what seemed like deja vu!  It was 5:00am and I was in full blown labor!  Same scenario I had with Jamison!  This go-round I had an app on my phone that timed contractions, so I did that for a couple hours while I let Jimmy sleep.  Took a shower, got last minute things together, and tried to lay back down.  It wasn't happening.  Laying in a bed while trying to deal with contractions is the worst possible thing a woman can do.  Finally, around 9:30 I worked up the courage to call the midwife!  Elisabeth was on call, I was excited about that!  My contractions were about 7 minutes apart, but boy oh boy were they strong, and consistent   She sent me in to be checked.  The triage nurse was AWFUL, a total hag.  I'll never forget that woman the rest of my life.  She told me I wasn't in labor,  I should be in more pain, blah, blah blah.  Elisabeth told her she would check me when she got to the hospital.  I was already 6cm!  Thank the Lord!  Take that stupid triage nurse.  
                          I knew I wanted the epidural, BUT, (there's always a but) since I was group B positive I had to get a full dosage of antibiotics first.  Finally two hours and one more centimeter after getting to the hospital I got the drugs! She broke my water and the next few hours were smooth sailing! A little after 4:00pm I told the nurse I could feel a ton of pressure! (My epidural was soooo much better this time! I could feel the pressure of contractions, but not the pain.)  Elisabeth came in, gowned up and we pushed.  For ten whole minutes! WHAT!  I had psyched myself up, and I remember thinking in my head I know what to do, I just gotta give it all I got and get this baby out.  Jimmy, my Mom and my Grandma were in the room with me when my sweet sweet baby girl joined the world.  It was absolutely perfect.  I spent the next hour just us, those sweet moments I'll never forget.    

Scarlett Elizabeth Rogers
8lbs 13ozs
19.5 inches
4:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 1, 2012 

This picture make me tear up every time I look at it. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, and amazing father to my babies! 

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