Sunday, August 11, 2013

I lost track of time, like I knew I would!!

          I so wanted to keep monthly posts going on here, but alas, I lost track of time.  Here it is, August, and I haven't updated since May!  There was a lot going on around here!! Our major focus of course has been getting our little man ready for his first day of Kindergarten!! YIKES!! I seriously cannot believe this!!  I'm trying to keep my composure in front of him, but in all honestly, I'm sad. Don't get me wrong, i'm really excited for him to go and meet new friends, and learn lots of new things, but i'm nervous for him!!  I've never left him before so this is HUGE for us! 
          The beginning of June we had Lindsey's graduation party which was a big hit!! I love party planning.  I think that would in fact be my dream job! My mom had a hysterectomy which led to 7 weeks off!! The babes loved all the extra time they got to spend with their Gammaw! We made some projects for Father's Day, and took Daddy out to dinner!  I turned 27, so now i'm officially in my "late" twenties.  Good grief!! We had a couple of fun parties to attend, and did lots of swimming!!  July seems like somewhat of a blur!!  We had a couple play-dates, visited the Museum Center, and just tried to keep cool!!  Jamison had kindergarten Jump-Start at the end of the month where he go to go in and spend a couple of hours with his new teacher and class-mates!!  That definitely too away some of the anxiety he was feeling about starting school! 

Me and my boy at the Gosney's annual pig roast for 4th of July!
Baby's first 4th!

Her favorite thing at the museum was this giant mirror!! That silly baby in there was fascinating! 

Typical silly Jamison!

Lindsey helping the boys figure out the see-saw at Ayden's 4th Birthday!

Playing TMNT with Gamma!

Pool Time!

Make Shift sun shade for the baby!
She is such a water baby! She'd stay in the pool all day if we'd let her! 

Play date with Cece and Cooper at Totter's Otterville

Proud as a peacock he make it to the top all by himself!

Pretty sure this was the hottest day of the summer!!
Pure redneck! Cooler turned pool for baby!

And melts my heart.

Scarlett is starting to walk if we're holding her hands, but still has no interest in learning on her own.  She is so spoiled, she knows if she whines a little someone will come running to her!!!  Her aunt Shizzy is probably the worst!! Her newest tricks are clapping, giving kisses, and high fives!  She can tell you how big she is by throwing her arms up in the air! It's the cutest thing ever! 
Slobbery kisses for MommY!
Sweet Sissy-girl

Jamison got his first fat lip...poor baby.  We were going out for froyo and he was running back to the van, tripped and fell face first into the concrete!!  It was bad,  he was pretty sure it was the end of the world.   We've been practicing things he will need to know for school.  One night he was struggling and told me, "Mom, if you didn't sign me up for kindergarten I wouldn't be in this mess!!" He's so witty! 
Self portrait, looks like a future artist to me!
Target shooting with Papaw Steve!
Busted lip...poor baby was miserable.
He'll probably kill me for this when he's older, but this wedgie was too great not to snap a pic!
It's the simple things, like homemade Popsicles that keep this innocent boy smiling!
    We haven't been on a family vacation since Jamison was 9 months old and we visited Washington DC.  We just put a deposit down on a beach house in Daytona Beach, Fl for next July!! We're so excited to be able to get away to the beach for a while!! Next summer can't get here soon enough!  I've been spending most of my free time getting things together for the kids' big Birthday bash!! I'm so excited, and really hope things turn out great!!  

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