Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mommy Questions...

I found these questions and thought I might be fun to answer and look back to see how my answers change as the babes get bigger!!  

1. How many children do you have and how old are they?
          Two, Jamison(4.5), Scarlett(10 months)
2. What is your proudest moment as a mom of your child/children?

          I'm always proud when they learn something new, I love watching them play                       together and be best buddies.  I hope they always have a great relationship. 
3. What is your most frustrating moment as a mom?

          Working full time is a huge struggle.  I've always wanted to be a SAHM, financially it's nowhere near possible.  I feel like i'm missing out.  I should be here with them.    
4. How do you discipline your child/children?

          "No No" is working for Scarlett still, as she instantly sticks out her lip and gives the most pitiful pouty face!! Jamison is more challenging!!  I yell, I don't want to yell, and I know I shouldn't yell.  I'm trying to work on it.  He does get time out quite a bit.  
5. Cursing, do you do it in front of your child/children?

           Not gonna lie. I do.  Nothing he hasn't heard.  I know a lot of moms disagree.  That's cool.  
6. Do you think your relationship has changed since you had your child/children? For better or worse?

         Our relationship has changed a ton.  Having kids makes things so much harder.  It's not just you two, you rarely have time for yourself, let alone for each other.  We're good though.  I love him more now that I see how much he loves them! 
7. Since becoming mom do you find yourself acting more like your own mom?

         Yes and no.  Certain things I do, but others not so much. 
9. Your favorite place to take your child/children?

         Zoo, we have so much fun, and it never gets old! 
10. Your least favorite place to take your child/children?

        Wal-mart.  I hate it there.  So I REALLY REALLY hate it there with two small children in tow! 
11. Piercing babies' ears, do or don't?

        I think baby girls are so precious with their ear's pierced, I had every intention on getting Scarlett's done.  I actually took her to do it and chickened out.  I can't hurt her on purpose.  So for us, no.  When she's old enough to make the decision, i'm all for it! 
12. Favorite skin care for you and your children?

        We use Johnson's.  Works great for us despite all the negative media recently....:/   
13. Must have mommy make up item?

       Mascara...on a day to day basis, it's what I have time for. 
14. Bath or shower for you and your children?

        Shower for me, bubble baths for the kids!! They love it!  Showers if we're in a hurry...they hate that!!! 
15. Are you back to your pre baby weight?

        Actually, 45lbs down!! 
16. College dreams- do you expect them to go or are you going to let them decide for themselves?

       Obviously I want the best for them, but the best means them being happy at whatever they choose.  I'll never pressure them to do anything.  I HATE how this question is worded.."or are you going to let them decide for themselves" SERIOUSLY?? They're their own person.  I can't stand parents who make choices for their young adult children who are capable of making their own decisions. 
17. What is one show your child/children loves but you secretly hate?

     Jamison-Caillu  Scarlett-Dora the Explorer
18. Cloth diapers yay or nay?

       I love the idea, just not feeseable working 40hrs a week. 
19. Finish this sentence- You know you're a mom when you.....
       NEVER stop thinking about your babies!! They're always put first! 
       Oh, aaaaannnnd these too!! Because it's really like this....

1 comment:

  1. Was searching for a GF's blog and came across yours. Started reading and came across your "mommy questions." Read your reply about piercing your dd's ears and deciding to wait. Like you, I was chicken too.

    Thought you might be looking for another opinion since I shared the same feeling, "... I think baby girls are so precious with their ear's pierced." I know this can be a difficult decision when to do it, but all little girls want their ears pierced, but many have quite a lot of anxiety associated with doing it older and it can be a traumatic experience for some.

    Like many, I waited to have our dd's ears pierced trying to decide when was best. I kept going back and forth, but kept seeing babies and little girls with sweet little earrings. Asked our ped who said before 12 mos or so was best. Big positives were at this age, their ears were developed enough so the earring would be centered, and mommy cares for them. Also they won't remember having it done or fail to care for them when they are older. Like you, I was worried about causing her any pain, but she reassured me that if they cry, it is because of being restrained or the noise of the piercing instrument near their ears. After hearing this, I was relieved and went ahead.

    Our ped gave me some tips for moms having their infants/little girls ears pierced which included some OTC med to minimize any discomfort. I'd say, it is okay to change your mind. Since you are thinking about it, then your mommy intuition is telling you doing it earlier is better. We did and now glad we did so. She looks soO cute with earrings. She has never had any problems with her earrings.

    If you or other moms want our ped's tips, write me an e-mail. they are too long for a PM here.

