Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May: It's a Tradition!

   There's a lot of things I hate about this house, but it does have it's advantages!  Location being #1! We've got anything we'd ever need minutes away, 15 minutes to Florence or Cincinnati, not to mention 2 really awesome parks with in walking distance!  

Jamison loves to do anything outside, so a nature hike is just perfect! 
Scarlett's first time in the swing was a big success!! Smiles the entire time!

We also have these two really awesome trees! I just wish they bloomed longer! 
Starting to realize if it wasn't for my iphone I wouldn't really have any  pictures!

This was a big month for Shiz, she turned 18 and being the great Big Sis that I am, I took her to Bobby Mackey's! (She really wanted to go to Pulse, but let's be honest, that just really isn't my scene!)  She also graduated, but that'll get a post of it's own!!
I managed to get a picture with the Robertson's!!  Speaking of, whenever we watch Duck Dynasty Jimmy always tells me they remind him of my family!! I like to take that as a compliment! 

Mother's Day was very low-key! Quite frankly, it was perfect!  Just the four of us spend the whole day together: we walked around the Flea market where Jamison got to spend his tooth fairy money on a really awesome noisy light up sword, cuddled up on the couch for a movie.  I may or may not have taken a snooze!

Jimmy made reservations at Outback for dinner!  However, reservations on Mother's Day still constitute a 45 minute wait!!  The service sucked, but this happened....

So, Jimmy and I enjoyed a rather peaceful dinner while sis chowed on rye bread and some of Jamison's mac&cheese! 
We had a full week off together, May 21-June 1!  Absolute Heaven.  The majority of our free time was spent on Lindsey's graduation party and re-modeling Mamaw's kitchen.  We did manage to hit up "our beach" for the first time of the summer!!  I really want to have Family traditions my kids can look back on!  I don't really recall any, not that I feel like my childhood wasn't great, it's just important to us!  Going to East Fork Lake, spending the day swimming, playing in the sand and packing a picnic lunch on the beach is something we absolutely love. We try to do this as many times as we possibly can all summer.  On special trips we pick up dinner at the Great Scott Diner and head to the Drive in too!! 

                                       Watching them play together is one of my favorite things! 
                           Momma needs some sun on that ghostly white bod. 
                         e doesn't pose for pictures a lot, but when he does, they're classic!!
               The baby pool on the beach is genius! I give myself major props for coming up with that one!

 Baby's first Drive-In Movie!

Big news for Jamison this month,  he didn't loose one tooth, he lost TWO!!!  Seriously, that's straight up big boy stuff!  We're working on the sleeping in his own bed every night thing!!  We have slip ups, but i'm not worried, and the one's who are don't really matter! ;-)  Iron Man 3 came out and him and Jimmy went to see it, in costume!  


Scarlett has mastered the backwards scoot, and still shows no interest in real crawling!!  She's probably the only baby I know who loves meat, hot dogs, ground beef, lunch meat,  haven't really found one she doesn't like.  She loves to mimic facial expressions and sounds now, it's absolutely presh, she's discovered she can do the cutest clicking sound with her tongue   Of all the shows kid shows that drive me nuts, Dora tops the list.  She loves it.  Like goes ballistic when the theme song comes on.  I took a video of it, I need to upload it.  Seriously, screaming  clapping, bouncing, cheering!  She's head over heels in love with Dora! Great.


I almost forgot!!  I pinned this a while back because I thought it was funny.
. My Dad came to pick Jamison up to take him for an overnight Camp-out in his Truck.  The truck is an '89, so naturally it doesn't have power windows.  Jamison wanted the window down but couldn't find the button. I rolled it down, he squealed with delight and proceeded to tell me how cool that was! 
Kids are funny.